Wednesday, February 23, 2005

The Second World War

World War II in many ways is the 'favourite war'. These are the opening lines of the book. And the book really succeeds in driving the point home.

Today THE WAR is seen as an epic battle when the world powers were pitted against the Axis of Evil, as Bush Jr. would put it. The book describes major and minor events in the war with raw facts and bombards you with details, gory and influential. Spencer C. Tucker, the author, gives a bird's eyeview from Germany's attack on Poland, USSR's deterrent , the Pearl Harbor attack, America's late forced entry into the scenario , consequent war strategies to Bombs dropped on Japan and its consequent surrender, not to forget Hitler's suicide.

It presents finer details about the Battleaxe operation , about Ajax cruise to various warships. Read no book better than this one about the War that changed the world. Forever.


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